Sarah Ewins
Chief Financial & Operating Officer
Sarah Ewins
Sarah is Chief Finance and Operating Officer with responsibility for overseeing finance, risk, estates, IT and HR across the Trust. She also provides support to headteachers, school business managers and other senior leaders across MLT.
Sarah is fully committed to ensuring that we are able to deliver outstanding operational services to our schools assuring that we are as efficient and effective as possible. She believes that by working collaboratively across the Trust, we can effect deep change and improve outcomes for our students. Sarah is also leading on our sustainability strategy.
Sarah has worked in the educational (primary and secondary), voluntary and commercial sectors and has over 20 years senior operational experience including strategic leadership, business and financial management, income generation, estates management, marketing and HR responsibility. She worked as a School Business Manager for many years and has also been directly involved with School Improvement as a Teaching School Director. She has undertaken local and regional roles within schools, local authorities and wider educational networks such as Challenge Partners. Sarah is a Fellow of the Institute of School Business Leaders.