Zoe Merritt

Chief Compliance Officer & Head of Governance
Zoe Merritt
Zoe is Chief Compliance Officer for Middlesex Learning Trust, having previously been Deputy Headteacher of The Compton School. She has 22 years of teaching experience with 9 of those years in senior leadership roles. Zoe is committed to working collaboratively with colleagues to ensure all students and staff at MLT schools are able to thrive and achieve excellence.
Her experience as part of the Senior Leadership Team has included overseeing the quality of Teaching and Learning, CPD and leading on both Pupil Premium and Equalities. She has undertaken Pupil Premium Reviews and delivered a number of training programmes for colleagues within and beyond The Compton, these included the Outstanding Teacher Programme, Challenge the Gap and Strategic School Improvement funded (SSIF) projects with local primary schools. She also developed and delivered Teaching and Learning sessions for The Compton School’s Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) as well as being a SCITT subject specialist, which involved writing and delivering the subject curriculum.
For the Trust, she oversees the operations linked to governance, safeguarding and compliance. She provides support for governance at all levels within the Trust and oversees the development, implementation and review of Trust policies. She leads on Staff Development, overseeing MLT’s Talent Management Framework for both teaching and support staff as well as co-ordinating opportunities for collaboration for senior and middle leaders within Trust Schools. In addition, she oversees the work of the Personnel Committee and has developed a People Strategy to ensure that MLT schools continue to be great places to work where everyone can excel in the interests of the young people in Trust schools.