Ann Marie Mulkerins

Chief Executive Officer
Ann Marie Mulkerins
Ann Marie is proud to be the CEO and Director of Standards of Middlesex Learning Trust.
Ann Marie is driven by an unwavering belief in the difference a high-quality learning experience makes to the life chances of young people and believes that every child has the right to receive an outstanding education. As a Specialist Leader of Education, and then a National Leader of Education, Ann Marie, has supported several schools to improve outcomes and strengthen governance.
Ann Marie became Headteacher at The Compton School in September 2016. Prior to this position, she led the Senior Leadership Team's Teaching and Learning Team as Associate Headteacher from 2003 at The Compton with specific expertise in the quality of education and the use of data.
Ann Marie is a senior partner with the national organisation Challenge Partners with specific responsibility for Excellence for Everyone aimed at narrowing the disadvantage gap. Ann Marie is part of Barnet’s Local Authority SSSPB (School and Settings Partnership Board) and represents Barnet Secondary Schools on the board. She is also a strategic partner for Wembley Teaching School Hub.
Ann Marie started her career as a geography teacher and believes passionately in the importance of the subject. Ann Marie holds an MA in International Economic Development.